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  • What safety protocols does Pack Training Team encourage/enforce for its runners?
    The Vice President or designee has discretion in identifying potential safety hazards and taking appropriate action, although the Board suggests consulting with the Vice President or a pace group leader before any sanctions are imposed or to clarify any questions. Other Policies: During team runs, all participants are strongly encouraged to wear reflective clothing if running in the dark or if it will get dark during the run. Groups should follow “ranger rules”, which means leave no one behind for any reason (bathroom breaks, “need to walk”, twisted ankle, etc). All groups should obey all traffic signs. You should NEVER run against a light or through a stop sign and ensure you can safely clear an intersection. Runners participating in group team runs should use sidewalks and trails or face traffic and run no more than two abreast when on a road
  • Are headphones allowed on training runs?
    The team discourages the use of headphones while runners are engaged in any team activity or workout, such as Thursday night and weekend long runs.
  • Can I run/walk with a stroller?
    Strollers are allowed as long as they are appropriate for the workout setting and do not pose a safety threat, as judged by the Vice President of the Board of Directors or his/her designee.
  • Can I bring my dog(s)/pet(s) to a training run?
    The team strongly discourages running with dogs while runners are engaged in any team activity or workout, such as Thursday night and weekend long runs.
  • Who serves on Pack Training Team's Board of Directors?
    The Pack Training Team Board of Directors consists of eight members, elected for a two year term. Those up to continue or add new members will be annually by a vote of team members. Any Board member may serve up to a maximum of ten years on the board and then must take a year off of the Board. The Board members for 2024 -2025 are: Holly Dalby, President Michael Sleeman, Vice President Patty Whitmore, Secretary Michelle Gormley, Treasurer Markus Moest, At-Large Member Jeremy Delong, At-Large Member Cindy Huffman, At-Large Member Angela Swisher, At-Large Member
  • Where can I see the Pack Training Team's By-Laws?
  • Is Pack Training Team a nonprofit organization?
    Pack Training Team is a non‐profit entity incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia as the Pack Training Team Road Runners Club and has been granted 501(c)(3) status by the Internal Revenue Service through the Road Runners Club of America.
  • Are club financials available for review?
    The Pack Training Team operates on an July 1-June 30 fiscal year and files 990 tax return annually, which may be viewed on the IRS website or by contacting the organization's Treasurer, Holly Dalby. Current financial statements are provided for club members to review. Please email the organziation's Treasurer, Holly Dalby, to request a copy.
  • Does Pack Training Team foster an inclusive environment?
    Absolutely! The Pack Training Team promotes an inclusive environment where runners of all background feel included and comfortable. In order to foster that environment, team members and their guests should refrain from using remarks or actions of a sexual nature that are not welcome and are likely to be viewed as personally offensive, including sexual flirtations; unwelcome physical or verbal advances; sexual propositions; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; the display of sexually suggestive objects, cartoons, or pictures; and physical contact of a sexual or particularly personal nature in any team activity, whether formal or informal. Additionally, using epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, and threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, or disability will not be tolerated. Any team member who feels this policy is being violated can make a complaint at any time to a member of the Board of Directors or a Pack Leader. All complaints will be investigated, and if a team member is found to be in violation by a vote of the Board of Directors, their membership will be terminated immediately.
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© 2022 by Pack Training Team

Pack Training Team, (EIN 84-3354327) is a 501(c)3 organization through the Road Runners Club of America group exemption status with the IRS.

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